Common Food Allergies

Imagine you just arrived at a restaurant for a nice dinner with your family you look at the menu and choose a delicious dish, and when it arrives you consume it not knowing you have a common food allergy. This article is going to derail a lot of the digestion and skin issues you may be experiencing without a root cause only a prescription and diagnosis. There are 6 common food allergies Gluten and Wheat, Dairy, Soy, Eggs, FODMAPs, and Sugar & High Glycemic Foods. First, let's start with the most know allergy which is gluten. Many processed foods contain this ingredient; in many cases, they are undetectable unless you have a gluten allergy. Many believe that so many people are experiencing an allergy to this easily accessible grain because of popular herbicides like roundup, which are used in nonorganic grain production. Also, most gluten and wheat-based products are high in carbohydrates which turn into sugar once broken down in our digestive tract. Check out some of my previous articles for more details. Some of the common negative side effects people experience with this allergy are Brain Fog, Bad Mood, Inflammation, Cravings, and Weight Gain. Some symptoms you may experience that may require a gluten and wheat allergy test are Digestive Issues ( Gas, Pain, Bloating, Diarrhea, Constipation, IBS, IBD, Leaky Gut, Dysbiosis, and Gastritis ). (Oats + Corn are gluten-free but can still cause the same effects as gluten due to cross-contamination or grain allergies outside of gluten.) Other effects like Poor Nutrient Absorption, Whole-Body Inflammation, Chronic Pain, Skin Rashes/Issues, Autoimmune Diseases ( Celiac, IBD, Thyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Attention/Brain/Memory Issues, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Obesity.  Another common allergy we all know of is Dairy, before I get into the negative side of this common food, not all forms of Dairy cause negative effects like Raw, Fermented, Unpasteurized, or Non-Homogenized. Which can actually provide you with a lot of health benefits when consumed carefully. Some symptoms of Dairy intolerance are Digestive Issues, Gas, Pain, Bloating, Diarrhea, Constipation, IBS, IBD, Leaky Gut, Dysbiosis, Gastritis), Chronic congestion ( Respiratory Problems, Cough, Ear Infections, Sinus Infections, Weak Immune Health, Allergies, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Another thing to look out for is a reaction to Casein ( milk protein ) which occurs when you’re experiencing difficulty digesting lactose. A not-so-common food that people wouldn’t suspect they would be allergic to is Soy. Soy is very hard on the pancreas which helps your body break down foods, controls your blood sugar, and tells your stomach when it is full/empty. A sensitivity/allergy to Soy can also interfere with your thyroid function. Most non-organic soy is genetically modified. Allergic responses are as follows; Rashes, Inflammation, Anaphylaxis, Digestive Issues, Autoimmune Disease, and Hormone/Reproductive Issues. Another Allergy dis-believe is Eggs this food can be found in many different forms like egg substitutes ( Lecithin, Marzipan, Pasta, Nougat, Marshmallows, Baked Goods, and Processed Foods. ) Reactions to this food are as follows difficulty digesting eggs commonly associated with people who have Atopic Dermatitis. ( children may grow out of this allergy) Loose stool/Diarrhea, Skin Reactions (Hives, Rashes, Atopic Dermatitis Redness, Scaly Skin ) overall Inflammation, and Chronic Pain. Like many, I had no clue what FODMAPs were until I did a little research and to my surprise, a lot of foods fall into this category. Check out the infographic below for full details. This food allergy consists of a wide range of carbohydrate-based foods that may be difficult for some to absorb. Lack of beneficial gut bacteria feeds the bad bacteria making Dysbiosis and overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria or fungi in the gut which can damage and cause inflammation in the lower GI tract over time. The key takeaway with this allergy since it is so restrictive is to avoid large quantities of these foods and to start introducing beneficial bacteria to support gut health. After a while, you will be able to gradually reintroduce these foods back into your diet once your gut is back in balance. Consuming sugar is still not advised once the gut has been properly restored. And lastly Sugar & High-Glycemic Foods, these foods aggravate cases of High Blood Sugar, Insulin Resistance, and Diabetes, and create an environment for pathogenic bacteria and fungi to replace the good bacteria. These nutrient-dense whole foods cause inflammation and irritate the nervous system. Other side effects are Poor Mood, Stress, Memory Issues, Hyperactivity, fatigue, Dysbiosis, Yeast Infections, Blood Sugar Problems, and Hormone and Reproductive Issues. In addition to Weight Gain, Fat Storage, Heart Disease, High Bad Cholesterol, and High Triglycerides. Before you go through your entire refrigerator away remember consuming a whole foods diet is always strongly advised and keeping your consumption of processed foods to a minimum is always the key. There is no such thing as a perfect diet but you can avoid longer-term disease by eating differently and creating a healthier lifestyle for yourself.


Chevallier, A. (2018). Herbal remedies handbook more than 140 plant profiles: Remedies for over 50 common conditions. DK Publishing.

Curtis, S., Thomas, P., & Johnson, F. (2016). Essential oils. Dorling Kindersley.

Duke, J. A. (2002). The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook: Your Comprehensive Reference to the best herbs for healing. St. Martin's Paperbacks.

Groves, M. N. (2016). Body into balance: An herbal guide to holistic self-care. Storey Publishing.

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