You Are Your Environment

Would you believe me if I told you that your lifestyle is the foundation you build your life on and not just an external entity with no significance? Your personal lifestyle is how you live your life daily. We will be breaking down some of the key components of lifestyle which are fitness, sleep, work, and so much more.


Lack of daily movement has a negative effect on your health. Creating a specific time daily to incorporate movement is vital. Introducing a routine helps compensate for a more sedentary lifestyle. Check out the advantages of having a daily fitness routine in the infographic below.


A good night's rest gives your body the chance to relax your muscles, repair damage, detoxify, fortify your immune system, and balance out hormones and neurotransmitters. We all have a universal understanding that during a certain time in our lives we need more rest (ex coming down with a cold, dealing with high-stress periods in life, changing of diet, and when losing weight.) Chronic sleep deprivation deteriorates your heart health, blood sugar, metabolism, libido, reproductive health, psychological health, and skin appearance. 1-2 nights of sleep deprivation may diminish your cognitive skills, mood, and immune function. Sleeping less than 7 hours a night also triples your risk of viral infections. Sleeping for 5 hours a night can cause you to raise your caloric intake, make it harder to stick to healthier eating habits, and cause weight retention of 2 lbs in 5 days.


I believe we don’t always take advantage of those long summer days as much as we should. Winter is now here and we are all beginning to crave that warmth from sun rays and some fresh air. Studies have shown that there is an underlining link to mood disorders like stress, depression, anxiety, and other attention issues when young children do not get enough adequate outdoor playtime and exposure to natural environments. Even though you may dread going outdoors during this time of year. These cooler months actually help give your thyroid a mini workout since that specific gland helps will regulation of each person's individual body temperature. Most importantly sunlight exposure helps your body absorb proper levels of vitamin D and keeps your body in sync. Exposure to small amounts of bacteria and soil organisms helps refocus our immune system, reducing your overall risk for autoimmune disease and allergies. If you are unable to get daily exposure to the outdoors a few tips to help you would be to add photos of natural landscapes inside your space, and possibly pick up a few houseplants to add in as well.

Green living

We are constantly being exposed to low-level toxins daily. These toxins individually don’t pose that much of a threat but when they accumulate and mix with each other they can pose a large threat. These toxins mess with our reproductive and metabolic hormones, damage our nervous system, and cause skin rashes and even respiratory issues like asthma. Check out the infographic down below for a full list of common sources of toxins we are exposed to daily. Dramatically limiting your exposure by choosing products with natural ingredients is the best way and sometimes even the cheapest way to go. Eating more whole foods and less processed foods is also highly recommended. A diet based on whole foods that are heavy in plants and rich in fiber encourages your body's natural detoxification system. Highly processed foods like crackers, packaged snacks, and mass-marketed prepared meals are extremely convenient but are high in preservatives and artificial ingredients. Which are potentially toxic and harm our detox response aka bowel movements. Limiting your use of plastic containers, plastic packed foods, and canned foods by choosing fresh foods if possible. This will lower your exposure to BPA (plastic-based toxins) like bisphenol A, DI ( 2- Ethylhexyl), and phthalate ( DEHP). Store foods and drinks in glass, stainless steel, wood, and ceramic containers. If you don’t take anything away from this article please remember this do not heat your food in plastic containers if possible. Using natural skin care products has become an uprising trend in recent years due to certain global events. But many still do not see the importance of using these types of products and avoiding synthetic fragrances, parabens, and phthalates. Not only helps to protect the environment but also your overall well-being. Our skin is our largest organ and it protects all of our internal organs as well. If you are looking for a 100% all-natural alternative check out the shop tab on this site and explore some of my personal favorites.

Connection with nature and the environment you live in determines your overall lifestyle. Spiritual practices play a role as well. They affect how you spend your time, think, feel, connect to others and find spiritual solace. By improving your lifestyle you can improve your health and energy levels. Many choose to jump in head first and put themselves at risk for burnout. But making slow changes to different aspects of your life shows the best results long term.


Chevallier, A. (2018). Herbal remedies handbook more than 140 plant profiles: Remedies for over 50 common conditions. DK Publishing.

Curtis, S., Thomas, P., & Johnson, F. (2016). Essential oils. Dorling Kindersley.

Duke, J. A. (2002). The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook: Your Comprehensive Reference to the best herbs for healing. St. Martin's Paperbacks.

Groves, M. N. (2016). Body into balance: An herbal guide to holistic self-care. Storey Publishing.

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