The Key To Better Digestion

Digestion is something no one really thinks about until we are forced to whether you struggled with acid reflux all the way to if your struggling with IBS. Your GI Tract is made up of two parts the upper and lower. The upper GI tract breaks down your food while the lower GI tract is responsible for absorbing and eliminating waste. There are so many complex digestive problems that the average person without google would have no clue. I don’t know about you but every time I look something up on google it either ends with you having cancer or you going to die and I end up not sleeping and overwhelmed with anxiety. Getting a prescription medication can calm down the symptoms of digestion imbalance but it doesn’t actually cure the root issue. Actually, if your continue to take a short-term prescription long term it can result in more damage to other areas of your body. Remember it is always important to read up on the medications your prescribed. Most people feel like there is nothing they can do when it comes to taking care of themselves. We can wash oversells and work a 9-5 effortlessly but if someone says hey just take a probiotic a glare starts to appear over our eyes. Believe it or not a probiotic is extremely beneficial, good bacteria are reintroduced into your GI tract which helps to resort balance to your gut flora. Consuming a probiotic daily strengthens your internal microbiome and discourages pathogens aka viruses. Probiotics break down fiber, and complex sugars, making vitamin k, folic acid, and even vitamin b12. Other benefits to consuming a probiotic more frequently are it decreases inflammation, modulates your immune system eases allergies, cancer, and autoimmune diseases this powerful bacteria even supports your metabolism.  Unfortunately many people on the go struggle with the idea of meal preparation or buying and consuming the convent fast food. This delicious reliable meal you buy with fast food comes with a potently serious con overly processed foods feed bad bacteria. But once a person minimizes their consumption of overly processed foods and ingests a good quality probiotic their GI tract balance is restored again. Fermented foods like; kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurts low in sugar, and kefir daily are one of the main keys to a healthy gut. When looking for a probiotic to purchase look for a Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium the probiotic you choose should also contain more than 1 billion live bacteria. Many people struggle with uncomfortably and sometimes debilitating gas, bloating, and pain associated with an unbalanced digestive system. An example of this is dysbiosis which is when a person is lacking beneficial bacteria and an influx of bad bacteria aka yeast. In most cases poor diet, stress, and food allergies/sensitivities. Listed below are some easily accessible herbs you can find either outside growing wildly in your yard or in your local grocery store.

Key Herbs

Quick Tips For Balancing Your Digestive Tract


Chevallier, A. (2018). Herbal remedies handbook more than 140 plant profiles: Remedies for over 50 common conditions. DK Publishing.

Curtis, S., Thomas, P., & Johnson, F. (2016). Essential oils. Dorling Kindersley.

Duke, J. A. (2002). The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook: Your Comprehensive Reference to the best herbs for healing. St. Martin's Paperbacks.

Groves, M. N. (2016). Body into balance: An herbal guide to holistic self-care. Storey Publishing.

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