Acne Woes

Since I was 15 years old I have struggled with the occasional pimple and acne. I have tried very expensive creams, lotions, and face washes. But wasn’t ever properly educated on how to forever banish the acne monster. I watched many women and men struggle with severe acne and even have to undergo procedures and heavy doses of drugs filled with prescription medication, that could affect their unborn children if they continued these treatments. If you have experienced any of these hormonal woes I’m here to tell you that we have a lot more options than you think.

Why do people develop acne?

These conditions developed with your skin doesn’t rejuvenate properly and a pore gets clogged with oil, dead skin, and possibly bacteria. Poor detoxification tends to be the most common underlying factor.

Common treatments

Many conventional acne therapists take a harsh antimicrobial approach, but acne has many underlying patterns and the antimicrobial approach is harsh on the skin.


People with acne often suffer from an inability to properly digest and process fats and may have digestive-liver sluggishness. Eating whole foods is a nutrient-dense diet, and avoiding excess sugar, and bad fats (ex. pizza, fried foods, alcohol, and drugs.) Eating veggies and bitter / fiber-rich foods regularly and drinking plenty of water is a very doable prescription without all the unpronounceable drugs.


Acne-prone skin is prone to pores becoming clogged and skin irritation. Avoid touching, rubbing, poking, or picking at them. Try to keep your hair and especially hair products used in hair away from acne-prone skin. Changing/washing your bed sheets as often as possible, especially pillowcases, and washing clothing that is worn frequently ( ex. pjs, baseball caps, coats, and jackets) to minimize breakouts. Wipe your cellphone and get regular sleep and address your stress levels.

If you struggle with stress management check out my other article titled what the stress for more helpful tips and tricks to combat stress. And if you need a more individually guided approach consider booking a Free Consultation with me today.


Understanding The T


The Big Secret