Understanding The T

Many people especially women are affected by thyroid imbalances. Our pituitary gland sends signals to the thyroid gland called thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH). TSH is sent to the thyroid gland and tells the gland to produce more of these hormones. Our thyroid uses amino acids and mineral iodine to create two major components T4 (Thyroxine)  and T3 (Triiodothyronine).

What Does The Thyroid Do?

There Are Two Major Components Of The Thyroid

-T3 regulates metabolism, also known as “T3 active”, and has the most impact on our metabolism.

-T4 is a less active “pro-hormone” that is converted into T3.

-The thyroid controls the metabolism the rate at which our body burns calories, and the speed of every bodily function.

-It also impacts our Body temperature, digestion, metabolism, and assimilation of food which determines the body's ability to make good quality connectives, hair, skin, nails, and mood.

Common Signs Of Thyroid Malfunction

What Are The Two Types Of Imbalances?

The two types of imbalances are hyperthyroidism (overactive)  and hypothyroidism (under-active) are the most common.

-Hypothyroidism - Things are slow/halted causing colder body temperature weight gain depression sluggishness poor digestion brain fog hair loss dull skin crease and skin around the neck, also thyroid enlargement in severe cases.

-Hyperthyroidism-Meaning thyroid is overactive, high body temperature, weight loss, poor sleep, extremely aggravated/anxiety.


Excessive amounts of hyperthyroid/hypothyroid medication may cause heart palpitations, racing heart, artery real or fibrillation, and tachycardia anxiety. Autoimmune diseases play a role occasionally Hoshimotos disease an autoimmune hypothyroid disease antibodies attack your thyroid gland. Graves' disease autoimmune hyperthyroid autoantibodies activate TSH receptors and thyroid causing overproduction of T3 and T4, This is determined by having an antibodies test. the alternative is possible for hyperthyroid-induced thyroid burnout or overstimulation from an appropriate dosage of hypo thyroid medication thyroid granular supplements or iodine supplements.

Thyroid Imbalance Indicators

-Horizontal ridges in fingernails similar to anemia

-Neck crease

-Indicators of anemia

-Pale skin and lips

Requires Doctor Test

High TSH levels indicate hyperthyroid/hyperthyroidism

Who is Affected?

12% of American females, 1 out of 8 people may experience thyroid issues in their lifetime.

Is It Easy To Detect?

Different labs are used in medical groups TSH levels run 0.5 to 4.5 or 6.5 micro units per milliliter. American Association of clinical endocrinology recommends a range from  0.3 to 3.5. Labs that work with older less conservative recommendations may mark you as having normal but progressive ranges would consider you borderline hypothyroid.

Different Approaches To Thyroid Treatment.

Holistic approaches are easier to correct if addressed early.  It is advised to get a full thyroid panel not just TSH levels but T3 and T4, antibody and autoimmune tests done and to get a copy to know exactly where things stand. Herbal and lifestyle changes/approach helps address subclinical balances and are less likely to have negative side effects.

Types of Holistic Treatments

High-dose isolated iodine supplements supply and are a necessary building block for thyroid hormone production and may supply a boost and thyroid levels.

Granular supplements like armor thyroid made with grounded-up animal thyroid glands also boost levels critical to carefully dose medication because inappropriate use can increase thyroid problems consult with your primary care provider neuropathic, herbalist, a progressive endocrinologist, or a team of practitioners who are willing to work with you and give options for you to choose what is in your best interest.

Herbal remedies like teas, tinctures, and capsules can also be used to aid with the healing of a thyroid gland imbalance.

Cause Of Thyroid Problems

-Stress/grief causes the thyroid to try and protect you by slowing down or speeding up function.

-Autoimmune diseases may be triggered by gluten and diet illnesses.

-Environmental toxins or hormonal transitions transitional imbalances.

-Try eliminating gluten for one month, re-introduce it, and see how you feel.

-Diet potential gluten thyroid reaction a low nutrient high Kabul diet rich in chemical additives and reach toxins from packages.

-An indoor sedentary lifestyle discourages optimal thyroid health functions better when exposed to changing temperatures.

Regular exercise light from sunlight in the morning and during the day

-Maybe underlying factors trigger imbalance and autoimmune diseases.

Spiritual Factors

Emotional connection or spiritual connection you may feel like you are not speaking or living in your truth.

Something stuck in your throat energetically needs to be released.

How Long Will It Take To See Results If I Stop Eating Gluten?

Gluten sensitivities have the greatest connection with thyroid disease particularly when they're an autoimmune factor. The protein gliadin and gluten are similar to the protein and thyroid tissue. If sensitive to gluten your body's gluten antibodies get confused and attack your thyroid. Abstaining from gluten can take several months to eliminate gluten from the diet before seeing the result.

What Should I Eat?

Foods that boost thyroid function iodine

Ionized salt



Some multivitamins

If you are lacking in iodine start by integrating a little bit of seaweed or using iodine sea salt, kelp species of brown seaweed like kombu is a potent source of iodine minerals calcium iron. Selenium increases thyroid function and adds to soup broths.

Things To Look Out For

Keep in mind Seaweed tends to bind to pollutants like heavy metals or radioactive components. It is important to purchase your products from the main coast that harvest from clean waters and are tested. High doses of seaweed can put you at risk of hyperthyroid disease. If you currently have this condition stay away from selenium. Important mineral studies show that you can treat hyperthyroidism autoimmune when postpartum and prevent thyroid issues like graves.

Combining seaweed with thyroid-inhibiting foods like soy stops the effectiveness of both

Foods And Herbs That Boost Thyroid Function





by Copa


Thai Rosa

Medium chain triglycerides

Food and herbs that inhibit thyroid function

Lemon balm



Other supportive thyroid herbs and nutrients

Vitamin B complex increases adrenal function and helps regulate stress levels. Magnesium indirectly aggravates an under-active thyroid via calcium balance and hormonal production.

You can also get Vitamin B when you consume nuts, beans, dark leafy greens, cacao, or as a powder or supplement.

Keep in mind magnesium supplements may interfere with various medications including decreasing the effect of Sino thyroid but you can often take them at different times of day, so food sources should not be a problem.

Other Things To Consider

Bitters and digestive support are not directly thyroid supportive. Adequate digestion and assimilation are essential to provide your body with the building blocks it needs to function well. Poor digestion can be an early factor in thyroid problems and hypothyroid disease compounds the issue, by slowing down digestion and metabolism further. You could be eating all the right things but not absorbing them herbal bitters are one of the best allies for digestion taken regularly, just before meals they turn on digestion by increasing enzymes and stomach acid production Strengthening peristalsis and B, and boosting bile production and erection.

Addressing The Common Auto-Immune Connection And Autoimmune-Related Thyroid Conditions

If you are diagnosed with Hashimoto's and Graves' disease first look at gluten and stress many thyroid herbs. Nutrients such as ashwagandha, lemon balm, and selenium appear to benefit autoimmune diseases and are worth trying. Consider adding medical mushrooms to the mix as well little research has been done specifically on thyroid autoimmune disease. We know that polysaccharides in mushrooms module eight immune function and are practical assistance. Autoimmune disease the polysaccharides are best extracted by simmering them or cooking them in water broth tea and soup the longer the better the double extraction tinctures that include. Tatian may also work. Consider Reishi as well as Lions Mane and Turkey Tail and Chunga have similar autoimmune and immune have been tested.


Chevallier, A. (2018). Herbal remedies handbook more than 140 plant profiles: Remedies for over 50 common conditions. DK Publishing.

Curtis, S., Thomas, P., & Johnson, F. (2016). Essential oils. Dorling Kindersley.

Duke, J. A. (2002). The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook: Your Comprehensive Reference to the best herbs for healing. St. Martin's Paperbacks.

Groves, M. N. (2016). Body into balance: An herbal guide to holistic self-care. Storey Publishing.

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