The Untold Roller Coaster
Health Shanielle Pabon Health Shanielle Pabon

The Untold Roller Coaster

Let's take a look at sugar, many people that sugar is the root of all evil when it come to your health but the reality is not all sugars are bad. There are different forms of sugar, sweets and carbohydrate rich foods break down in your digestive system to form glucose, fructose, and lactose. Similar to other foods sugar is absorbed through your intestines and enter your bloodstream. Sugar needs to get into your cells so it can be used by your body. But you need insulin in order for that to happen.

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It’s All About The Kidneys Baby !
Health Shanielle Pabon Health Shanielle Pabon

It’s All About The Kidneys Baby !

There are 79 organs in the human body and thousands of herbal remedies that can help with the most minute to moderately severe health issues. Kidneys are one of those organs you don’t pay attention to until you notice some aches and pains over time. This organ is used to maintain fluid homeostasis in the body.

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