It is About That Time

Once again it’s that time of year for all of us to deal with colds and flu. The reality is no matter how healthy you are, you are not invincible and can contract an infection or virus. We have all experienced very uncomfortable headaches, chills, congestion, runny nose, and sore throat. So if you are feeling unwell while reading this believe me you are not alone. In this article, we will not discuss how to not get sick but what you should do if you are sick. The goal is to boost your immune system so that way it can quickly overcome whatever you may be experiencing. This blog is dedicated to having a more holistic and natural approach to health. So if you are already skeptical about adopting that kind of lifestyle, this article may not be for you. But in the event, you are one of the many looking for ways to have a more holistic lifestyle then I have great news this article may have some information you can add to your handy health kit. Let's first start with the most talked about subject on this blog and also the most important your diet. It is extremely important to drink plenty of fluids like broth, clear soups, water, and tea. And to consume a large amount of warming antimicrobials. Also how often you get sick is determined by your diet hence the saying “you are what you eat.” If you have a poor diet you will also experience poor health. Check out my other blog post for more details on what a balanced meal may look like. Another key factor is your lifestyle choices, it's important to make sure you’re getting as much rest as possible. If you have a very busy lifestyle it can be extremely difficult but whenever you can prioritizing sleep and relaxation is pivotal. Infections tend to target weak spots in the body, there are 4 key weak spots that vary from person to person. One of the most common is sinuses, if you haven’t already I encourage you to purchase a neti pot / nasal irrigation to help you better clear out your sinuses without constantly having to reach for an over-the-counter decongestant. You can use this by filling it with warm water and antimicrobial herbs or herbal antihistamines. Check out the infographic below for more details. Other common weak spots are the throat, lungs, and GI Tract. There will be a full list of herbs and how to use them properly in the infographic below. I would like to reiterate that if you can catch symptoms of an infection/virus early you will be able to shorten its life span and be back on your feet as soon as possible. It is very important to slow down and actually listen to your body. We all should know ourselves well enough to know immediately when something seems out of place.

Herbs For Cold/ Flu


Chevallier, A. (2018). Herbal remedies handbook more than 140 plant profiles: Remedies for over 50 common conditions. DK Publishing.

Curtis, S., Thomas, P., & Johnson, F. (2016). Essential oils. Dorling Kindersley.

Duke, J. A. (2002). The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook: Your Comprehensive Reference to the best herbs for healing. St. Martin's Paperbacks.

Groves, M. N. (2016). Body into balance: An herbal guide to holistic self-care. Storey Publishing.

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