The Big Secret

It isn’t a secret that women deal with constant hormonal changes after they have their first menstrual cycle. But not many women understand what is happening within their bodies during this vital time. In this article we will explore why experiencing menstruation is so important for the female body and not a big bloody punishment.

At some point, we have all had to acknowledge the fact that being born a female comes with a greater responsibility. Most women know the bare minimum about their periods and it wasn’t until I had two children that I realized this information's importance. In this article we will go over the different phases we experience during our menstruation cycles and the importance of these phases when it comes down to our overall health. Once a female reaches 13 sometime younger we are confronted with the truth we are in fact women and we can carry children. But not a lot of women realize knowledge about your hormones and keeping their balance is vital to keeping our sanity each month.

What Do Our Ovaries Do?

Women are born with 2 ovaries these sacks similar to male testicles provide a nursing home for our eggs also known as follicles. Four months prior to our cycle a follicle is chosen and prepared for its big day. Two major hormones called estrogen(estradiol) and progesterone are produced in your ovaries with the help of pituitary hormones the egg is stimulating hormone ( FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). During each cycle, an egg is released and waits to meet a sperm to create a baby if this occurs the uterus becomes an incubator.

Day 1-14 Estrogen

The first day of your cycle begins on the 1st day of your menses. In absence of pregnancy, progesterone levels drop. And your oxytocin levels rise, meanwhile your uterine lining begins to shed. While this happens the egg waits in your ovaries which produces estrogen via stimulation called FSH in the brain. This rise in estrogen triggers your body to rebuild your uterine lining once the previous one is removed. Estrogen from eggs strengthens and lubricates vaginal tissue, protects against bone loss, boosts mood, and heightens your immune system.

Weight Loss

During this time women find it easier to manage weight and appetite after menstruation. This is the best time to build muscle and repair muscles faster/better. During this time it is important to focus on building lean muscle and if you push yourself harder you have better chances of recovering better.

Day 14 Ovulation

The egg has traveled into the uterus, and oxytocin (heightened sexual arousal) encouraging your body to make a baby is in full effect. During this super sexy time, your estrogen levels drop and progesterone is increasing. You may experience your body temperature dropping before ovulation. But once ovulation has begun your body temperature will rise a few 10ths of a degree. While ovulating your body boosts the production of cervical mucus.

Day 14-28 Progesterone

The egg of the month has left which causes progesterone to stimulate and is produced by the corpus luteum. This progesterone keeps your mood and immune system in good standing. Progesterone's job is to prep the uterine lining for a baby or falls off in the next cycle. During this time your body temperature will remain higher throughout this portion of your cycle.

I'm not losing weight

Something to keep in mind is that you may experience increased hunger and won't lose weight quite as easily. This is because your body is holding onto nutrients in case of pregnancy. Your body is being too slow down making weight loss and muscle recovery harder. During this time it's important to focus on recovery and mobility meaning to allow yourself more time to recover between each set. Also adding more protein and healthy fats (fuel) will help during this time. Your body may not be getting all the hydration or minerals it needs during this time.

Am I Pregnant

If you're pregnant your body tempter will continue to rise and you will experience swelling breasts and mood swings in addition to many other undesirable symptoms. If you are not pregnant your body tempter will drop causing oxytocin to surge and restart your cycle.

Track it

In conclusion, I strongly encourage women to keep track of their cycles if they are not on birth control but are looking for a more natural and non-hormonal approach I recommend my personal favorite non-hormonal birth control called Natural cycle this birth control operates off of your body temperature that’s it all you have to do it take your temperature first thing I the morning and the app does the rest. This app not only tracks your menses but also notifies you of the best times to have intercourse without the result of unwanted pregnancy and information on when you are ovulating. It’s important to remember that each cycle length varies for each woman and if you still need extra support ask your doctor for a hormonal test also known as a dutch test for more information on your hormone and nutrition levels.


Chevallier, A. (2018). Herbal remedies handbook more than 140 plant profiles: Remedies for over 50 common conditions. DK Publishing.

Curtis, S., Thomas, P., & Johnson, F. (2016). Essential oils. Dorling Kindersley.

Duke, J. A. (2002). The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook: Your Comprehensive Reference to the best herbs for healing. St. Martin's Paperbacks.

Groves, M. N. (2016). Body into balance: An herbal guide to holistic self-care. Storey Publishing.

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